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Donation Status (2019/06/25)

Promoting Social Enterprise through Occupational Service

RewardCenter aims to provide a foundation and support for the youth with entrepreneural passion and spirit in Korea and six Southeast Asian countries.

We strive to build a platform for young entrepreneurs and create “economics of community service”. To help young entrepreneurs with their startups, creative and pragmatic product ideas are introduced and featured on our Reward Mall. In addition, through charity auctions we aim to raise funds to further assist with the product development cost.

RewardCenter’s vision is to become an archive of different product ideas from Southeast Asian countries and provide international exchange for the young entrepreneurs.

 Reward Mall Collection

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Charity Auction

Anybody with items that are too valuable to dispose of or give away free and have sentimental and story value can participate in our Charity Auction. 100% of the difference between winning price and starting price will be donated to help support young entrepreneurs and facilitate the “economics of service”.

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Reward Mall

Reward Mall is more than just a shopping mall. It is a private mall featuring products that can facilitate ‘health’, ‘service’, and ‘public interest’. Reward Mall is also aims to provide a foundation and support for the youth with entrepreneurial passion and spirit in Korea and six Southeast Asian countries.

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Occupational Service

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Conversation and Story


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